Protocols for Medication and Food Pick-Up
While lobby pickup is still an option, to continue reinforcing social distancing guidelines we have provided the following new medication and food pick-up protocols:
- We’re offering Pay Ahead and Curbside Service. If you need to refill your pet’s food or medication, call us at (248) 524-0500 and you can pay ahead by credit or debit card. Once you arrive, give us a call and we will bring your food or medication out to you, or you can pop the trunk and we can put it in your car for you.
- You can also take advantage of our Online Pharmacy, linked on our Facebook page and website. This way, you can order food and medication without leaving home.

Our Team’s Safety Precautions
- We recommend that our team practice social distancing to help avoid those who are sick, and we request that team members self-quarantine if they become sick. We also supervise team travel plans and initiate CDC recommendations post-travel.
- We ask that our team members always cover their coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. They also need to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- They also practice proper hand washing protocols, and have appropriate supplies readily accessible when needed. We limit large, work-related gatherings and site visitors to required clinical rotations.
- We have increased our frequency of cleaning and disinfecting exam rooms, frequently touched objects, and surfaces (computers, keyboards, desks, cellphones, doorknobs, light switches, etc.).
- We have added a clean/used pen system at sign-in and we are disinfecting clipboards between each use.

Additional Reminders
- During this time, if you would like our team to wear gloves during your pet’s examination, please notify a team member and we would be happy to do so.
- We’re asking any team members who are showing symptoms or signs of illness associated with COVID-19 to stay home. This may result in longer wait times than you have experienced in the past. We appreciate your patience.
- Furthermore, due to the redirection of certain medications to human healthcare, we may be experiencing shortages in some of our medications. Please be sure to refill your pet’s medication(s) if you’re running low.

With information and guidelines being updated regularly, our team will continue to reassess and amend our protocols as needed to keep our clients, patients, and team members safe. Again, we thank you for your continued patience with us as we take the necessary precautions to keep our practice operating safely and serving the needs of our community.